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The Wealthy Renter : How to Choose Housing That Will Make You Rich by Alex Avery read ebook TXT, FB2, PDF


A National Bestseller! Why be house poor when you can rent rich? "Why rent when you can buy?" More than any other, this phrase captures the overwhelmingly unanimous promotion of home ownership to Canadians. Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, family, friends, and even the government promote ownership as a safe, attractive, and sure-fire path to personal wealth. This one-size-fits-all advice ignores the reality of Canada's housing market. Canadians deserve better advice. Faced with expensive house prices in a near-zero interest rate world, it's time Canadians heard the virtues of renting and seriously considered renting as an alternative to home ownership. Real estate analyst Alex Avery insists renting offers a simple, more affordable way to live, plus in Canada's frenzied housing market, going month-to-month is dramatically lower risk. He claims the reputation of home ownership as a wealth building strategy is unfounded and shows renters how to replace bricks-and-mortar with better investment opportunities., A clear, unbiased, straightforward approach to the biggest investment most people will ever make. Home ownership is promoted by real estate agents, mortgage brokers, family, friends, and even the government as a safe, attractive, and sure-fire path to personal wealth. Unfortunately, this view reflects a lack of understanding of housing, as both investment and lifestyle choice. Few people appreciate how housing decisions dramatically affect every part of our lives. Good housing decisions can bring happiness, pride, a sense of safety, and wealth. Bad housing decisions can bankrupt families, ruin marriages, and hobble careers. It doesn t have to be that way. As housing decisions are the largest financial and lifestyle choices many people ever make, potential buyers deserve better advice. "The Wealthy Renter" is designed to help readers make wise housing decisions that will improve their lives. It provides a clear understanding of the true nature of housing, and how to make successful housing decisions. It aims to fill the void of good, unbiased advice about housing, an information gap that exists because there is no economic incentive for banks and real-estate professionals to provide this advice.", Why be house poor when you can rent rich? "Why rent when you can buy?" More than any other, this phrase captures the overwhelmingly unanimous promotion of home ownership to Canadians. Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, family, friends, and even the government promote ownership as a safe, attractive, and sure-fire path to personal wealth. This one-size-fits-all advice ignores the reality of Canada's housing market. Canadians deserve better advice. Faced with expensive house prices in a near-zero interest rate world, it's time Canadians heard the virtues of renting and seriously considered renting as an alternative to home ownership. Real estate analyst Alex Avery insists renting offers a simple, more affordable way to live, plus in Canada's frenzied housing market, going month-to-month is dramatically lower risk. He claims the reputation of home ownership as a wealth building strategy is unfounded and shows renters how to replace bricks-and-mortar with better investment opportunities., Why be house poor when you can rent rich? 'eoeWhy rent when you can buy?'e More than any other, this phrase captures the overwhelmingly unanimous promotion of home ownership to Canadians. Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, family, friends, and even the government promote ownership as a safe, attractive, and sure-fire path to personal wealth. This one-size-fits-all advice ignores the reality of Canada'e(tm)s housing market. Canadians deserve better advice. Faced with expensive house prices in a near-zero interest rate world, it'e(tm)s time Canadians heard the virtues of renting and seriously considered renting as an alternative to home ownership. Real estate analyst Alex Avery insists renting offers a simple, more affordable way to live, plus in Canad'e(tm)s frenzied housing market, going month-to-month is dramatically lower risk. He claims the reputation of home ownership as a wealth building strategy is unfounded and shows renters how to replace bricks-and-mortar with better investment opportunities.

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No longer a byproduct or afterthought, transitional justice is unquestionably the driver of political change.In each of the areas of the EU Cohesion Policy reforms, many different scholars from the fields of regional studies, regional science and economic geography have played important roles in shaping the new policy, and the chapters here highlight these increasing interactions between the policy and academic spheres of debate.In Mission Failure, the eminent international relations scholar Michael Mandelbaum provides a sweeping interpretive history of American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era to show why this new approach was doomed to failure.What really happened on the night Orianna stepped between Violet and her tormentors?Within the narrative are brilliant capsule biographies of such environmental warriors as Eleanor Roosevelt, Harold Ickes, and Aldo Leopold.This is an important book advancing our understanding of race and justice in the American West by one of our most insightful historians." --Gordon Morris Bakken, editor of Racial Encounters in the Multi-Cultural WestThese eight lectures by noted economist William Cline provide a clear and concise account of some of the most important macroeconomic issues facing the world economy.On another moon, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence goes on, undaunted by generations of failure.The book deals with the forecasting ability of the police for developments over the whole field of public affairs.